Winter Rodents
May. 5 2021
As the seasons change and temperatures begin to cool down, Hudson Bus Sales would like to take this opportunity to offer some helpful advice when it comes to the care of your bus fleet.
Don't Let Your Bus Become Dinner for Rodents! Call Hudson Bus Sales Today to Schedule Your Winter Service.
As the cold weather sets in, so do the rodents!
Customers have been calling in with reports of uninvited passengers. Rats and rodents build their nests in the engine compartment and wreak havoc on the electrical system.
Here are Three Practical Tips that prevent thousands of dollars of damage to your bus:
Tip 1: Rodent Traps
Contact your local pest control professional for information on purchasing or renting rodent traps. Check them regularly.
Tip 2. Park in Strategic Places
Avoid parking next to your school's trash or dumpster, over storm drains or other drainage openings. Park your buses in a clean area that is free from debris.
Tip 3: Keep Your Bus Trash Free
After each bus run, make sure the driver removes any trash or food left over from the students.