The Advantage of Getting a Pre-Owned Bus Over a New One

May. 5 2021 News By Hudson Bus Sales

When it comes to busses, sometimes old is more reliable and a much cheaper alternative than purchasing a brand new automobile

The temptation to purchase a new bus may have stemmed from the saying: “new is always better.” With a brand new bus, you get to take in the “new bus smell,” the clean seats, and that general "new care feel." However, purchasing a brand-new vehicle is costly. When it comes to buses, sometimes "old" is more reliable and a much cheaper alternative to purchasing a brand new automobile. Here are some reasons why buying second hand is the better option.

Perks of Buying Second Hand


Since you aren’t technically buying something brand new, the price of your chosen purchase will be 25% to even 50% off!

Built-in Features

Sometimes, when purchasing a new bus, you want to install features to maximize the vehicle's space and functionality. A television set, a mini fridge, and other amenities usually come to mind, but installing such things in a newly purchased bus will be expensive. Fortunately, there are second hand buses that already have the features you want installed in them; saving you time and money from additional purchases.


If you fancy a bus design that is no longer being manufactured, or you feel like the newer models are a little scarce when it comes to choices, then buying second hand bus will widen the options for you.

How to Spot the Best Second Hand Bus

A pre-owned bus does save you a lot of money; however, choosing and purchasing the right one for your money can be a little bit tricky. Since they are old, and most probably haven’t been maintained for a number of years; you have to look out for a couple of things before you make your final decision.


It is commendable for a vehicle to have successfully covered a number of miles; however, when it comes to purchasing second hand, less mileage is better. That just means that the bus has not been used as often or has not yet been pushed to its limits. If the bus has less mileage, it also means that the vehicle has not yet seen a lot of wear and tear during its operating days. Therefore, you will be able to prolong its lifespan under your care.

Signs of Damage

A tiny dent or a few scratches here and there are damages that can be overlooked. However, unresponsive doors and broken suspensions are signs that you should move along to the next vehicle. When looking for any second hand vehicle, give it an all-around inspection; because sometimes, the damage can be hidden under what you can see.

On the Road Testing

The primary reason why you are purchasing the vehicle is to drive it to and from your destination. Always give pre-owned vehicles a test drive in order to assess their performance while on the road. Notice every possible noise, leaks, and uncomfortable bumps while driving, to ensure that the vehicle you are testing is worth your time and money.

We at Hudson Bus Sales sell new and pre-owned buses that can fit up to 33 people!  We also sell bus parts and service and maintain your vehicle, to ensure that your bus will always be in tiptop shape while on the road! Call: (817) 207-5808 or visit our contact page to know more!